“Bring Something To The Table When Looking For Representation”

We asked some of Hollywood’s Top Agents and Manager for their top tips on how to make it in the industry.
Stephany Burns – Avalon Artists Group

What is the first thing you look for in an actor that would make or break your decision on working with them?
The first thing I notice when meeting with new representation is how they carry themselves and the vibe or energy they are giving me. We have to click as a team in order for the actor/agent relationship to work.
It doesn’t matter how talented you are if you are giving off a negative vibe. I look for friendly, unique, and extremely talented people who hustle just like me with a dollar sign hanging over their heads. LOL. It’s true!
What is one thing you wish all actors knew when it comes to finding representation?
I wish actors knew how important it is to network and have colleagues who are writers, directors, producers, etc. It all comes down to not only your talent and experience but also who you know. People want to work with people they know and like.
My suggestion is to get out there and meet people in the business! Intern at a production company, make friends on social media, whatever it takes. Bring something to the table when you are looking for representation, your connections are just as helpful as mine.
List the direct links/URL to your social media profiles so people can follow you:
- Instagram: @stephanystoreyburns & @avalonartists
- Twitter: @storeyfilms & @avalonartists
- TikTok: @commercial_agent_steph
Ted Maier – Avalon Artists Group

What is the first thing you look for in an actor that would make or break your decision on working with them?
OBVIOUSLY, it’s TALENT! Talent trumps overall… but even then, I’m looking for someone with talent and confidence. Confidence is really needed in this incredibly competitive business with a lot of failures. Nobody is perfect, but if you have confidence and a great work ethic, you can persevere (as long as you have talent).
What is one thing you wish all actors knew when it comes to finding representation?
Timing is everything… we are so busy, that it’s hard for us to consider every submission or referral. But if you do get to us, being prepared for the interview is vital.
Do your research about the agent and the agency (who’s on the roster, type of clients they rep, knowing that you would be a good fit to them and why). Know what your casting type is… meaning, are you a leading actor, character actor, supporting actor, specialty type, etc.
List the direct links/URL to your social media profiles so people can follow you:
Shannon Pierce – Pierce Management

What is the first thing you look for in an actor that would make or break your decision on working with them?
If you know auditions come through email, check it religiously or turn on the push notifications. Also, answer your phone or return calls or text messages quickly. There should be no instance where you post on social media before returning your representations call, text, or responding to an email. Attention won’t get you on TV, auditioning will.
LeBron James is 6’9” / 235 lbs, which is God-given, but if he didn’t practice every day he wouldn’t be the champion he is today. An actor should work on their craft, just as much as a professional basketball player works on their game. That’s how much practice you must put into becoming great. Bottom line.
What is one thing you wish all actors knew when it comes to finding representation?
Let the product (you) sell itself. A great actor doesn’t need three paragraphs to convince an agent or manager, they just need to be great. Introduce yourself and send the links to your Actors Access and LA Casting, that’s it. We honestly don’t care that you’re acting coach told you that if Meryl Streep and Kevin Hart had a baby, it would be you.
List the direct links/URL to your social media profiles so people can follow you:
- IG – https://www.instagram.com/pierce_ent/
- TWITTER – https://twitter.com/Pierce__Ent
- FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/PierceEntertainmentLA/
Marta Parrillo – Daniel Hoff Agency

What is the first thing you look for in an actor that would make or break your decision on working with them?
This will sound cliche…especially in the west coast; but honestly it’s energy! I feed off of people’s energy very easily and an actor’s demeanor makes a huge difference to me. If you come off as an immediately warm magnetic person, it goes unnoticed.
If a person feels desperate, we can smell it. If they are nervous, we can feel it. If they are rude to the people in the waiting area or to people they might not know, we catch that and clock it. Think about it, we want someone that will be a joy to be around for 12 hours on set.
We are looking for people who casting and production will tell us how wonderful it was to work with them. So don’t be afraid to be your charming self!
What is one thing you wish all actors knew when it comes to finding representation?
I wish they knew that it is basically a dating game. You want to find someone who will work best for you. Sometimes I will turn down a client, not because I don’t love them, but because I know that how we run our agency might not be suited to their lifestyle.
I tell actors to shop around and find the right fit. Yes, some representatives have bigger names than others but at the end of day it’s very personal so choose who you want to work with based on shared visions of what YOU want, not what you think they want.