Please introduce yourself, what you do, why you do it, and what you want people to know about you.
We are an indie rock band based in Spain.
We are five women and we want to make a difference in how music made by women is understood.
What qualities make you different and unique from everyone else in the industry?
Our songs are charged with vindictive lyrics and our music is influenced by big rock and indie bands and solo artists known worldwide.
In the shallow-minded world we live nowadays where music is fast consumed and easy-made, we want to make a difference by giving it back the romanticism and complexity it deserves.
We want to make deep songs which really speak about what people feel and live everyday, what people are concerned about and what we all desire.
Describe THAT moment when you realized you wanted to do what you do now. Who did you tell first? What has it been like since that moment?
Personally, as a singer, I have always wanted to do what I do, I’ve always wanted to make songs and sing and I’ve sung the biggest hits since I was as little as I can remember, maybe I was only two or three when I started to feel the music deep in me.
I suppose the fist person I told was my mom, who passed on me her love for Music.
What has been the biggest challenge you’ve had to face and how did you overcome it?
Maybe the biggest challenge we’ve had to face as a band up to now has been recording our second videoclip, since it was recorded in one of the worst moments of this covid-19 pandemic and we had to postpone it twice before we could finally travel to Valencia to record it last summer.
But to be honest, anything we do these days is a bit of a challenge, since recording the EP in the studio to finally being able to perform in a concert. It’s hard to advance doing things as a band does with all the restrictions, but we are facing all problems and we are strong minded and determined.
If you had to pick the TOP 3 people you’d want to meet that could take your career (or business) to the next level…who would those 3 people be?
We would pick Javier Montero who works for Universal Music Spain or artists such as the Spanish band Amaral or the North-American War paint.
List the direct links/URL to your social media profiles so people can follow you: