Please introduce yourself. What do you do? Why? What do you want people to know about you?
I’m Bryan Maurice, I’m an actor and producer here in Los Angeles. I’ve been acting well over 20 years, and absolutely love to entertain. I own and operate a Woman/Minority Male operated production company, as well as an independent TV/Streaming Network on Roku/Fire TV. I love to entertain and make wonderful art. I stared my production compant because I want to be able to showcase what women/minorities can do both in front of and behind the camera. My TV/Streaming Network (2nd Team Entertainment) was made because I want to show that there is great undiscovered work out there, eveyone deserves to have their projects treated with love and respect. There is so much amazing independent work out there that gets no love or doesn’t get the views it needs. I want to be able to bring that work into homes all around the world.

What qualities make you different and unique from everyone else in the industry?
I’m different because I actually run my business differently. I pay the women in my company a higher salary than the men (that includes myself). I love to give opportunities to those that maybe don’t have the experience but have a passion and a love to do something different. I believe in good art over money, and that reflects in my acting choices as well. I love to take roles with substance and meaning. I not only mentor other actors but I’m also a business mentor to other executives and entrepreneurs. I literally want to change the world through film and media and I’m actually putting forth the steps to do so (actions speak louder than words).
Describe THAT moment when you realized you’re doing what you were born to do.
The moment for me is a two parter. So I’m 34 now but when I was 18 I had a really traumatic situation. I had just graduated high school and one night was outside of my house (in Baltimore). I was robbed at gunpoint with the trigger being pulled and the bullets getting stuck. It took a few days but after that I knew I was hear for a reason but had no idea what. It took over 15 years but it finally happened this year. See I’ve always been into telling stories and entertaining since a child, I just never really put it together. This past year I’ve had so many great auditions and things are looking up, but the one thing I can point to that made me go “Yes I’m Ment For This” was when I made my TV Network. Just seeing that I can make a difference in someone’s life and help thier project come to life and be seen by the world is satisfying. It made me feel like what I’m doing actually matters, like I’m actually making a difference however little. That to me is everything and when I knew that I was ment to create and help others create as well.
What’s been the biggest challenge you’ve had to go through and how did you grow through it?
The biggest challenge I had to go through was trying to start a career as a minority make in a smaller town( Portland Oregon). It’s quite difficult because there’s not a ton of work to begin with, couple that with not a lot of minority roles and low payback ita a recipe for frustration. Knowing how to navigate and grow in my life and craft was hard but essential. I literally had to make my own show ” One Strange Happy” in order to even get my first big starring role. It taught me however to be self sufficient and to always be your own biggest fan (nobody will hype you up like yourself lol). Just trying to be big fish in a small pond where everyone want to be a big fish was hard.

Who are the TOP 3 people you’d want to meet that could elevate your career or business? Why these specific individuals?
Coleman Domingo he is a terrific actor and also a really good representation of the LGBTQIA community (of which I am part of). To see how he is able to not only be himself but successful as well is very inspiring.
Kel Mitchell he has always been one of my favorites since I was a child. He is also a good testament to keeping a career alive and never letting those that are against you let you fall. He is funny and smart and has a had a long career that i wish to model.
Adam Sandler he is not only a great actor but an amazing businessperson. I literally modeled my business structure after what he’s done and I’ve been able to accomplish great things. He uses the people he trusts and loves to help him consistently make great films and I would love to learn from him.
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