Please introduce yourself, what you do, why you do it, and what you want people to know about you.
My name is James León I am a LA based actor who recently moved LA from Florida spontaneously with the dreams of becoming an action actor. In order to support the expensive lifestyle of Los Angeles I am a part-time delivery driver and Starbucks Barista! Sounds pretty generic considering the fact I have a bachelor’s in Biology right!?
But that’s okay because with my current campaign to become the first black Superman of Hollywood, the only job I will have is inspiring and being a symbol of hope to the people of Hollywood. I want my black Superman to be a symbol of hope and I believe my greatest power will be the thirst for truth! No truth no justice no peace.
What qualities makes you different and unique from everyone else in the industry?
It seems everyone comes to Hollywood looking for their big break or to achieve some fame or notoriety. I came to Hollywood to create art and to spread my art in the casting offices of the casting directors I will work with one day. I want to tell the truth to the audience and be authentically myself and not a copy of someone else or try and create something I think people or casting directors want.
I want to create compelling and memorable characters no matter how big or small the audience. With a heart of gold and eyes that see the beauty in every struggle and hardship, there is no way I can lose. Growing up with a single mother taught me the resilience needed in this industry.
Describe THAT moment when you realized you wanted to do what you do now. Who did you tell first? What has it been like since that moment?
I was on the beach in a tough family situation praying to god to make sure I would be okay. Life was hard and I know I needed to change my life so then my phone rings and it’s a call from a laboratory in California that they wanted to hire me. I immediately packed my bags and made the journey from Florida to California in 3 days!
I told my mom first and she wasn’t surprised her extremely passionate and future-driven son was going off into the real world to chase his dream. Since that moment it has been nothing but blessings as far as what I am becoming as a person. I am learning so much and I am campaigning for one of the most iconic superheroes in the DC Universe garnering millions of views and fans on my social media platforms who are supporting and encouraging me.
What has been the biggest challenge you’ve had to face and how did you overcome it?
The biggest challenge I had to face was the fear of taking risks and the fear of failure. I overcame it by completely believing in my talents and skills and that the universe will align the right things for me at the perfect time. I learned to take the risks and have faith and see with faith and not sight.
If you had to pick the TOP 3 people you’d want to meet that could take your career (or business) to the next level…who would those 3 people be?
The top three people I’d pick are Michael B. Jordan, Ta-hanesi Coates, and Tom Holland.