Jasmine Alexander Talks About Acting As Her Passion Ever Since She Was A Kid

Please introduce yourself, what you do, why you do it, and what you want people to know about you.

My name is Jasmine Alexander. I am a filmmaker/actor living in beautiful Atlanta, GA. I am ordinary from Flint, MI. I have been acting since 2015.

However, I have always wanted to become an actor since the time I was a little girl. Acting has been a passion of mine as early as I can remember. My filmmaking journey started when the pandemic hit. I was sitting at home waiting for production studios to open up.

Like most actors waiting to hear some good news coming from the studios. Until it dawned on me, why not create something myself. So, I did. Since then, I have created 6 short films and 2 of which have been submitted to multiple film festivals.

I am proud to say both films have won multiple awards such as Best Actress, Best duo, and Best women’s film just to name a few. I had no idea that filmmaking would cross my path. However, I am grateful I gave it a try. I want people to know that the entertainment industry is definitely not easy but you will always see me pushing towards the top.

Giving up is not something in my vocabulary and it shouldn’t be in yours.

What qualities make you different and unique from everyone else in the industry?

I feel like JUST BEING ME makes me unique in this industry. I have a gift to see the creativeness in everything I do.

My passion for the arts runs deep. I plan to push my creative side to the limit with only the positive outcome to be expected.

So I strongly feel as long as I stick to being authentically me my uniqueness will always stand out in this industry.

Describe THAT moment when you realized you wanted to do what you do now. Who did you tell first? What has it been like since that moment? 

While I was growing up, having a dream to become an actress was like Saying pigs will fly one day, OK maybe not that extreme. But it was not something most people saw as obtainable. I started with a passion to create at a very young age. I remember growing up in Cold Flint, Michigan where I would watch a ton of movies with one goal in mind. I want to do that! I want to become an actress. I was dead sat on it.

I remember watching the movie “ What love got to do with it ”. It was something about Angela Bassett and the way she embodied Tina Turner‘s character. I knew every word of that movie and I felt every emotion when watching. The hurt, the passion, and the love. All displayed by one person, one character, one movie. “What love got to do with it” told me exactly what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

I remember expressing my love for acting to my mom. It wasn’t too many people I would tell my dream of acting to because again it wasn’t something that most people saw as obtainable. Since that moment I have been striving to make sure that I provide the emotion and the impact that I received from watching that movie in any project that I participate in.

What has been the biggest challenge you’ve had to face and how did you overcome it?

One of the biggest challenges that I had to overcome was dealing with my own inner conflict. I grew up very shy and very quiet. Now Most people now call it extreme anxiety and an introvert. so it was up to me to break out of my own head to pursue my dreams as an actress.

I remember my mom telling a story about my elementary teacher advising her I will need to be transferred to another class due to my inability to talk. That’s how bad it was. My mom laughed at the teacher and said she can talk, she just doesn’t want to. Once she is comfortable she will. Oh, boy was she right, I remember hearing stories growing up about my motormouth but only with family members I was comfortable with. The shyness lasted well into my adulthood.

It’s stopped me from numerous auditions and opportunities. I knew I had to do something about this or I will never make my dreams come true to become an actress. I literally decided to force myself into social situations so I can become comfortable in my own skin. I did this for years and to be completely honest I’m still doing it now.

In my opinion, extreme shyness/anxiety isn’t something you can just completely get over. However, I am determined to make my dreams become a reality.

If you had to pick the TOP 3 people you’d want to meet that could take your career (or business) to the next level…who would those 3 people be?

Spike Lee will be one of them for sure because of his creative approach to filmmaking he has won tons of awards for his films and the impact he has made on the industry is phenomenal.

Halle Berry would definitely be in my top three people to meet because she is a phenomenal actress. She can display so much passion for her love for Acting in each character she portrays.

Lastly, I will definitely have to say Angela Bassett because I literally fell in love with her in that movie “What love has to do with it“ watching her in that movie is what inspired me to want to become an actor.

I am of course a huge fan of all three of them and I think that having an opportunity to meet these three people would definitely take my career to the next level for sure.

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Staff Writerhttps://thelanote.com
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