Please introduce yourself, what you do, why you do it, and what you want people to know about you.
My name is Susan Lavelle, actress, lover of animals and horses.
Being an actress allows me to be vulnerable and to reach really deep down inside to see what I can come up with to share through my characters to make people smile, laugh, cry, see a different perspective or move them in any way that makes a difference in their lives.
It is my goal as an actress. It is my gift as a human being. Being a lover of animals is like acting, it lives inside of me. I need their unconditional love. Being a lover of horses, well that’s the grandest of all. There is nothing like connecting with the gentle giant that could kill me at any second but would rather nuzzle on me. Haha! It truly is magnificent!
What qualities make you different and unique from everyone else in the industry?
I share a little bit of myself in every character I do. I feel that’s how I keep it real.
I don’t think that’s particularly different or unique, it’s just what I do.
Describe THAT moment when you realized you wanted to do what you do now. Who did you tell first? What has it been like since that moment?
THAT moment was when I saw Lynda Carter become Wonder Woman on T. V.! Lol!
And then there were other THAT moments when I got parts and then a lead role in the community plays and then commercials and modeling jobs while going to LSU.
Then came a huge THAT moment when I moved to Los Angeles and got my first small acting parts! It’s all a journey of THAT moments and they are all fantastic!
What has been the biggest challenge you’ve had to face and how did you overcome it?
Trying to have it all, all at the same time.
It’s a balancing act, acting, auditioning, having a family, children and other passions.
I’m fortunate to see now that I’ve already lived out some of those other wonderful things and I’m very grateful but now I can really concentrate on my acting 100%.
Timing is also everything, patience, preparation and faith. Be ready and have lots of faith. I have been ready.
If you had to pick the TOP 3 people you’d want to meet that could take your career (or business) to the next level…who would those 3 people be?
Mark Teschner, casting director Considered by many the nicest casting director you will ever meet.
And he is. I’ve met him. I’m interested in studying with him more than anything. As soon as my schedule slows down, that’s exactly what I plan to do if he will have me, lol.
Samantha Morton- actress She just is one of my favorite actresses.
I loved her in the movie “ Libertine”. I love actors that are soulful. I would love to be in a scene with her or just pick her brain about acting.
Joaquin Phoenix- actor Do I really need to explain? Lol
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