Please introduce yourself. What do you do? Why? What do you want people to know about you?
I’m Rachel B-Foy and I encourage people to quit! Yes, you read that right, I encourage people to QUIT. I know you’ve heard the time-old adage ‘quitters never win, or winners never quit’, but I am living proof of a winning life through quitting. iQUIT®!
As an Amazon Bestselling Author, Life Strategist, Mompreneur, and Speaker, I Empower, Equip, and Inspire individuals to ACTion. By enacting small-yet intentional implementable steps people are able to stop playing it safe and truly connect with their innermost desires for their lives. Transformation in one’s life is first achieved through the mindset.
This is not a phrase or cliche, these are years of life experience, education, professional experience, proven methods, and audience/client feedback that allow me to CHOOSE the life I desire. Through the life strategy of quitting…limited beliefs, a scarcity mindset, and replacing those incorrect perceptions with my true worthiness and confidence in my abilities, I granted myself permission to define what success looks like, and feels like for my life and my most authentic self.
Men, women, boys, and girls are invited to no longer living according to the societal idea of success, but rather permitted to define this success for themselves and then go after it with their heart, soul, and passion.
What qualities make you different and unique from everyone else in the industry?
I have put a completely new twist on the word because I learned it is okay to ‘quit’ the things that hold you back. Let it all go, give up on it, leave it behind! There is optimism in the word when it is applied to improve one’s life.
QUIT® is about choice. It is about choosing the life you truly desire and not allowing life to choose for you. iQUIT® means living out the abundant life intended for you. So, whether it’s choosing to iQUIT® toxic environments or toxic people who are draining you, stealing your joy, energy, and peace, or if it means iQUIT® to what’s killing your purpose, goals, dreams, and God-given talent; it’s time to iQUIT®!
Most people who have read the book say that they quit feelings of guilt, anger and bitterness. A lot of people quit being stressed over situations they cannot control. Many women quit bad relationships/decisions about men. Men quit feeling like they have to have the answer to everything… You cannot control the pandemic, the deaths, the job loss. None of that is your fault, you are doing the best you can. Once you quit being hard on yourself, you will feel a weight lift from your shoulders!
Describe THAT moment when you realized you’re doing what you were born to do.
The death of my son and the life lessons that ensued was the catalyst for the development of iQUIT® and my current business. My life struggles and perseverance have made me stronger. The strategies I developed to heal, flourish and empower others are based in the realization that we all have a ‘choice’ to reach a higher level of excellence and balance in their lives too.
I can show (through my own experience) that we are capable of surviving difficult trials. Think about what some of our ancestors endured and SURVIVED! Sometimes, we have to quit the excuses too! My life struggles and perseverance have made me stronger. The wholistic approach that I developed to persevere and realize my highest potential is what inspired me to want to empower other people to be able to do the same, reach a higher level of excellence and balance in their lives too.
What’s been the biggest challenge you’ve had to go through and how did you grow through it?
Navigating a higher level of success has come with its challenges. The best way I could grow through this is by understanding that for some of us, success is traumatic. I know that may sound like a lot to process, but for me, the fear of success was very real; I grew and learned so much about myself. First, acknowledging that this was a significant and true issue for me was key. There were pressures (self-imposed and outside imposed) that came with success.
Who are the TOP 3 people you’d want to meet that could elevate your career or business? Why these specific individuals?
Priscilla Shirer – She is such an inspiration to me and gives the bible a practical application to everyday living. If I find myself doubting my calling or purpose in this life, her YouTube videos lift me up. Her perspective on scripture breathes a new breath of life into my spiritual walk.
Lisa Nichols – The art of captivating an audience and staying true to her authentic story. When she gave the remembrance to her son Jelani, that she would never be ‘this broke or broken again’ that was powerful!
Eric Thomas (ET) – Raw, real, and no excuses! This is the firm motivation I need at times when I began to be complacent. ET leaves you with no excuses to not be great and accomplish all God has for you.
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@rachelbfoy across all social media